Who are we ?


The origins of CLUSTRIA date back to 1989 with a working group create between AIRBUS, RENAULT and MATRA.

As a GIE (grouping of economic interests), AIRBUS was confronted with different accounting systems between its English, French and German partners. At the time, the goal was to measure the value created by each party involved to the A340 aircraft program in all non-recurring processes and throughout the life of the aircraft.
In order to reach this objective, there was a harmonization of the processes between these companies (GIE AIRBUS) in order to obtain the same measurement of value, an industrial distribution of value based upon the functional and logistic contributions of each party. The project has evolved into what is commonly known today as GILDA.

At AIRBUS, the project GILDA (gestion industrielle de la liasse de définition avion) manages for over 25 years now all aircraft programs. Since 2005, for the A400, this system was in part integrated in the project PRIMES.

Working in close collaboration with automobile and mass transit industries, this working group was able to take into account the needs of other industry sectors.

Jean-Philippe GAY, CEO of CLUSTRIA, contributed to the specifications of GILDA’s distribution module for configuration management and in particular concerning the aspects logistic. In fact, the distribution of parts for a FAL (final assembly line) is based on modifications and product configuration management. When LATECOERE became a Risk Sharing Partner, Mr. GAY brought with him this savoir-faire and continued to improve the system to accommodate multiple clients. This was another opportunity to take into account new requirements from other aircraft manufacturers like BOEING, DASSAULT, EMBRAER, BOMBARDIER…to learn the best practices, to harmonize further processes and to develop interoperability interfaces for each principal.

For over 25 years, CLUSTRIA’s solutions continue to evolve and improve in harmony with its customer’s requirements.